Packages and Resolution


The Workspace object is usually created very early by calling the workspace helper method. This discovers the root of the workspace, and loads all the workspace members as a Package object. Each package corresponds to a single Cargo.toml (which is deserialized into a Manifest), and may define several Targets, such as the library, binaries, integration test or examples. Targets are crates (each target defines a crate root, like src/ or examples/ and are what is actually compiled by rustc.

Packages and Sources

There are several data structures that are important to understand how packages are found and loaded:

  • Package — A package, which is a Cargo.toml manifest and its associated source files.
    • PackageId — A unique identifier for a package.
  • Source — An abstraction for something that can fetch packages (a remote registry, a git repo, the local filesystem, etc.). Check out the source implementations for all the details about registries, indexes, git dependencies, etc.
    • SourceId — A unique identifier for a source.
  • SourceMap — Map of all available sources.
  • PackageRegistry — This is the main interface for how the dependency resolver finds packages. It contains the SourceMap, and handles things like the [patch] table. The Registry trait provides a generic interface to the PackageRegistry, but this is only used for providing an alternate implementation of the PackageRegistry for testing. The dependency resolver sends a query to the PackageRegistry to "get me all packages that match this dependency declaration".
  • Summary — A summary is a subset of a Manifest, and is essentially the information that can be found in a registry index. Queries against the PackageRegistry yields a Summary. The resolver uses the summary information to build the dependency graph.
  • PackageSet — Contains all of the Package objects. This works with the Downloads struct to coordinate downloading packages. It has a reference to the SourceMap to get the Source objects which tell the Downloads struct which URLs to fetch.

All of these come together in the ops::resolve module. This module contains the primary functions for performing resolution (described below). It also handles downloading of packages. It is essentially where all of the data structures above come together.


Resolve is the representation of a directed graph of package dependencies, which uses PackageIds for nodes. This is the data structure that is saved to the Cargo.lock file. If there is no lock file, Cargo constructs a resolve by finding a graph of packages which matches declared dependency specification according to SemVer.

ops::resolve is the front-end for creating a Resolve. It handles loading the Cargo.lock file, checking if it needs updating, etc.

Resolution is currently performed twice. It is performed once with all features enabled. This is the resolve that gets saved to Cargo.lock. It then runs again with only the specific features the user selected on the command-line. Ideally this second run will get removed in the future when transitioning to the new feature resolver.

Feature resolver

A new feature-specific resolver was added in 2020 which adds more sophisticated feature resolution. It is located in the resolver::features module. The original dependency resolver still performs feature unification, as it can help reduce the dependencies it has to consider during resolution (rather than assuming every optional dependency of every package is enabled). Checking if a feature is enabled must go through the new feature resolver.